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"We are the umbrella body for hotels and catering institutions in Zambia and was formed in 1964."

Our Objectives

  • To unite hotel and catering establishments in Zambia into one representative body.
  • To promote and foster cooperation between  hotels and all similar businesses within and without the areas of the Association.
  • To protect and advance the interest of all Ordinary Members and Associate Members and secure mutual advantages.
  • To encourage its members to provide quality service, to keep abreast of the changing needs of the traveling public, and to promote good relationships between the industry and the public.
  • To promote international and domestic tourism
  • To stimulate fellowship and friendship among its Members

  • To acquire, preserve and disseminate information and to provide educational programs of value to the membership and the industry.
  • To plan and organize projects that will enhance productivity in the hotel industry
  • To make representation on matters of interest affecting the industry to the local authorities and the Government and other organizations within and without Zambia
  • To do anything proper, suitable and necessary for achieving these objectives and any others which are proper and lawful objectives of a national trade Association, all of which shall be consistent with the public interest as well as in the interest of the hotel industry

To embrace all players in the hospitality industry, create and lobby for appropriate avenues of growth for the Tourism industry in Zambia


As an official national network for the hotel industry, the Hotel and Catering Association of Zambia (HCAZ) will act as a voice of the industry, working as one body to promote, protect, represent and advance the interests of its members.


All members of the association are bound by the tenets of HCAZ constitution.

More about HCAZ

The Benefits
of Joining


Hotel and Catering Association of Zambia

1. HCAZ provides an umbrella to its members to stand bounded in enhancing the growth of the industry;

2. HCAZ provides strength for hoteliers through its recognition by the private and public sectorsboth locally and internationally;

3. HCAZ represents member hotels in dealing with the Government and public sectors inmatters related to the industry. HCAZ is represented in various Government dialogues, forums, and advisory panels;

4. HCAZ supports related and beneficial projects and events organized by the Government;

5. HCAZ undertakes to work with the Government, private sectors and other NGOs on projects, activities, and issues that will bring benefits and enhancements to the growth of the hotel industry;

6. HCAZ upholds the dignity of the hotel industry as a contributor to tourism in Zambia;

7. HCAZ undertakes to organize relevant training programme for the industry. HCAZ will be sensitive to thechanging needs and shall provide appropriate training at various levels to the members;

8. HCAZ will be in constant contact with international bodies and therefore able to provide or transferrelevant information to the member hotels. HCAZ will maintain a library of publication from all over the worldfor such purposes;

9. HCAZ will be maintaining a website that will provide an opportunity for member hotelsto secure information of local and international events, issues and happenings in the industry.Also an opportunity for members’ publicity and access of information to the public.

10. HCAZ will undertake to make periodic release of HCAZ e-newsletter and updates as well as otherindustry related circulars to members.

11. HCAZ will provide an opportunity for members’ involvementthrough various subcommittees: Standards, Special Projects, and Finance, which represent various functionsrelated to hospitality industry.

12. HCAZ will work with Government and NGOs to provide expertise in bidding for international eventswhich will enhance the industry room occupancy.

13. HCAZ will maintain its official relationship with international organizations such as), International Hotel andRestaurant Association (AHRA), Tourism Council of Zambia, Zambia Federation of Employer, Zambia Chamber of Commerce and Industry on behalf of member establishments.

14. HCAZ will continue to represent hotels in bringing to light issues, suggestions, and proposals to the authoritiesthat would help the industry.

15. HCAZ will work with the media to ensure that the industry secures full visibility of its role, activities, and deeds.

16. HCAZ will assist on issues related to applying and renewing operating


The current board the Hotel and Catering Association of Zambia

Christopher Nsenje


Tamika Chakulunta Mwale

Vice President / Finance

David B Rossi

Vice President / Administration

Clifford Zulu

National Executive Secretary


Kenneth Mulalami

NEC Member

Jairos Simunyola

NEC Member

Geoffrey Chawinga

NEC Member
A) Ministry of Agriculture – Independence Celebrations – Farmers & Hoteliers Crusade;
b) Fifth National Development Planning Committee –Ministry of Finance and National Planning;
c) Tourism Credit Facility Development Fund Committee- Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources;
d) Audit Committee for Ministry Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources;
e) Stakeholders Committee – Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources to pursue issues of Abolition of Service Charge and Right of Admission.
f) Tripartite Labor Council - technical committee
g) Tourism awards committee
h) Hotel Managers Registration Council
i) Lusaka Liquor licensing Board
j) Hospitality and tourism operators licensing Council
Authentic Zambian hospitality 

On the Following

Government Commitees

RESULTS Activities of HCAZ

Enhanced Industry Standards and Professional Development: Through partnerships for training in customer care, marketing, and HIV/AIDS awareness, HCAZ has significantly uplifted the quality and professionalism within Zambia's hospitality sector.
Policy Influence and Tax Exemption Recognition: HCAZ's advocacy has led to policy changes and tax exemption status, benefiting the industry financially and operationally.
Support for Education and Health Initiatives: Contributions to education and the development of health policies showcase HCAZ's commitment to social responsibility and the well-being of the hospitality community.

becomE a member

    Hospitality entities supporting community betterment and aligning with the association's goals, excluding political parties, can apply for membership. Applicants must be registered companies, members of the Zambia Tourism Agency, and provide a completed CTA Block - Join - HCAZ form, bank details, licenses, and fees. The committee decides on applications; unsuccessful ones can appeal but must wait 12 months to reapply, with a chance for a partial refund if denied.

The National Executive Committee shall have the power to admit or reject an application for membership.


A rejected applicant shall have the right to appeal to the Annual General Meeting.


The National Executive Committeemay make a physical inspection of the applicant’s situation as and where deemedfit prior to admission.

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HCAZ Partners With

We partner frequently with the following ministries : Small and Medium Enterprises, Tourism, Local Government and rural Development, Trade and Industry and many others.